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Objection Free Selling
How to PREVENT, PREEMPT, and RESPOND to Every Sales Objection You Get

Strategic Sales Plan
Why Sales Fail and How Wins are Won

Value Selling Strategies
Prevent Price Pressure by Selling Value

Leave a Legacy of Legendary Customer Service
An Attitude and Skills-Based Approach

Objection Free Selling
Objection Free Selling book coverAmazon Top 100 Best Seller for sales & selling, skills & techniques. This unique book, written by Dr. Robert DeGroot, has the knowledge, skills, and strategies you need to prevent, preempt, and respond to every sales objection you get, including how to answer the unanswerable objections. Click this link to buy the book.

Research with thousands of salespeople across industries demonstrates:

  • Objections that stop almost all sales are common and repetitive.
  • Specific Buyer Beliefs, when missing or weak cause these objections.
  • There are many ways to establish these beliefs to prevent the objection from even entering the prospect's mind.

Test this:

  • Before you buy something, this book for example, what’s just one thing must you believe about it?
  • If you don’t believe that, what objection comes to mind?
  • But, if you did believe that, what happens to the objection?
  • You just demonstrated that a missing Buyer Belief caused the objection and that when the belief is in place, the objection goes away.

Analysis reveals:

  • There are 10 of these critical Buyer Beliefs in which all sales objections can be categorized.
  • Salespeople get most of their objections in just three to five categories of missing Buyer Beliefs.
  • Learning how to prevent, preempt, and respond to a few objections in each category will handle all objections in that category.
  • It doesn’t matter which sales model salespeople are using if sales stopping objections are getting through.
  • The strategies and formulas provided work with all sales models.

Right now:

  • Probability has it that right now you know salespeople who are facing sales stopping or stalling objections, the answers to which are in this book.
  • Could these potentially stalled or lost sales be enough to cost-justify the $9.95 for the eBook or the $19.95 for the paperback? Buy the paperback and get the ebook for $2.99 on

Action plan for managers, trainers, and coaches:

  • Help salespeople get a copy of this book.
  • Set expectations that they:
    • Identify the objections they get.
    • Look them up in the book (reference guide).
    • Select and personalize the strategies to prevent, preempt, and respond to every one of them.
    • Write these strategies on index (flash) cards to speed learning.
    • If they forgot or don’t know a skill needed to implement a recommendation, the expectation is that they look it up in the book and learn it as well.
  • Measure the results which are immediate, observable, and sustainable.

85 Most Common Sales Stopping Objections

Category 1: Need Exists

1. Not interested.
2. Already have someone.
3. We are satisfied with whom we have now.
4. Don't need it.
5. We do it internally with our own people.
6. I can't use anymore ________.

Category 2 & 3: Responsibility/Authority

7. My boss won't authorize anything.
8. It will never get through the system.
9. I have to consult with ________.
10. That's not my area.
11. That has value but not for me.
12. Home office requires we use ______.
13. We have to use your competitor.
14. He/she isn't here anymore.


Category 4: Discomfort Felt

15. Just send me your literature.
16. Don't have time to discuss this now.
17. No one is paying attention to this area.
18. We'll muddle through.
19. It's too much hassle.
20. We won't use it.

Category 5: Need has Priority

21. No money budgeted, call me next year.
22. We're cutting back.
23. Not a priority now.
24. Timing is not right, see me next month/year.
25. I need to think this over.
26. Too many things in front of this.

Category 6: Type Solution Will Work

27. It just won't work for us.
28. Never had good results with _________.
29. This isn't for us.
30. Don't want to stick our necks out on this.
31. You don't have what we need.
32. Your lead times are too long.
33. Management is taking a different track.
34. I need better quality than what you offer.

Category 7: Capability & Credibility

35. We want someone in our industry.
36. How do you know it will do that?
37. Never heard of you.
38. You're not large enough to handle the job.
39. I don't like your company.
40. I don't like your products/services.
41a. You don't understand our problems (needs).
41b. You don't understand our problems (trust)
41c. You don't understand our problems (capability).
42. Your track record isn't strong enough.
43. Had a bad experience with your company.
44. That can't be done.
45. I don't believe it.
46. I've never heard of your company.
47. You'll have to prove that to me.
48. Never had good results with _________.
49. Your ________ is not good enough.
50. We only buy “name brands.”
51. You don't have what we need.


Category 8: Best Solution

52. Don't see any reason to change.
53. We've got to look at a number of suppliers.
54. Been doing business with them for years.
55. Not sure yours will work as well.
56. My brother-in-law is in the business.
57. Don't see any difference.
58. What makes you different?
59. Why should I buy from you?
60. We do it internally with our own people.
61. We want a band aid not a full work over.
62. Costs too much to change to your products.
63. We just like your competitor's product.

Category 9: Return on Investment

64. Not in the budget.
65. Your competitor does it for less.
66. Your price is way out of line.
67. Costs too much to change to your products.
68. I can’t justify spending that much money.
69. My boss will never approve it (money).
70. Your price is too high.
71. We need a better price.
72. Can’t afford it.
73. You’ll have to do better than that.
74. Sharpen your pencils.

Category 10: Plan Will Succeed

75. No one will use it.
76. Can't see how we could implement it.
77. Too much risk.
78. Change is tough to do around here.
79. Too much trouble.
80. They will never buy into it.
81. I'm not comfortable with this idea yet.
82. This is a lot to think about.
83. They will resist doing it.
84. We need time to adjust to this.
85. Don’t know how to tell my supplier “no.”


Objections are an error in the sales process. This book provides 874 examples of how to prevent, preempt, and respond to each of these objections. These errors are most often caused by missing a step or not doing one or more steps completely that prevents the associated Buyer Belief from being established.

Just imagine what it would have been like if your boss on your first day at work in sales had said, “Here is a ‘sales objections strategy book’ that has every objection our sales team gets for each of our products/services when selling against each of our competitors. This book has strategies and tactics you can use to establish critical beliefs about our products that will PREVENT objections from entering the prospect’s mind. But if you see on the Competitor Analysis that the objection already exists, then look at the examples of how to PREEMPT it, and if need be, you can use the scripted examples of how to RESPOND using tactics our team has used successfully in the past. Go ahead and personalize them to your style.”

What would that book have been worth to you?

Get this book now and start customizing and personalizing the strategies and tactics for each and every objection you get. Build your own sales strategy book. How great will you feel when you can handle any objection that comes your way?

Get started today, buy the book now, and never again get an objection you can’t handle!

Book sold separately on Amazon.comBarnes and NobelBooks-A-Million and retailers around the world.

ISBN: 978-0-9864058-3-9 (Paperback)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2016910781


Strategic Sales Plan: Why Sales Fail and How Wins are Won

Strategic Sales Plan book coverThe Strategic Sales Plan is designed to help you identify the steps in your sales process that must be done to win sales. It follows the consultative value selling sales process used by salespeople who sell solutions to their customers problems and do so in highly competitive markets.

Beginning in 1988 and up to the present time, we've analyzed thousands of sales, across industries, to discover why sales failed and how they were won. 

This research led to a comprehensive diagnostic sales process consisting of 44 base-line steps.

The objective is to find your patterns of steps that when missed cause sales to fail and to find the pattern of steps that when done, cause sales to be won. 


Validate the steps you need to do for what you sell by identifying the consequences of not doing each of them. Cross off, add, or modify steps as needed to fit what you sell.

Analyze a dozen losses, and a dozen wins to find the patterns of steps missed that caused your sales to fail and the patterns of steps that were done that caused your sales to be won.

Learn the skills you need, to do the steps that are difficult for you. See book for skills development.

Get the Strategic Sales Plan book or ebook for detailed definitions and the actions to take to achieve each step.


8 phases, 44 steps, and 201 Action Items. You don't have to do all the steps, other people may be involved in carrying them out. Your responsible for making sure they get done.

Profile & Qualify the Sales Prospect

  1. Compare the prospect with the profile of your most desirable customers.
  2. Identify decision-makers.
  3. Identify the initial people to contact.
  4. Select and sequence methods of contact.
  5. Set call objectives.
  6. Make contact.
  7. Establish trust and rapport.
  8. Qualify the prospect for the current sales opportunity. GO/NO GO

Research the Prospect’s Needs

  1. Research prospect's products, services, and company.
  2. Research prospect's critical processes.
  3. Research prospect's business plans.
  4. Identify potential for your other products and services.

Conduct the Competitor Analyses

  1. Identify your external and internal competitors.
  2. Conduct the competitor analyses.
  3. Update your list Unique Selling Points.
  4. Identify potential objections. GO/NO GO

Establish the Value of What You Sell

  1. Neutralize, prevent, preempt, and respond to potential objections.
  2. Focus the topics of conversation on your Unique Selling Points (USPs).
  3. Identify the signs caused by your USPs’ missing Advantages and Benefits.
  4. Confirm the problems caused by the missing USPs.
  5. Quantify their costs of not having your USPs to establish the value of the solution.
  6. Set your USPs as specifications that must be met to solve the problems.
  7. Competitor Proof with Benefits Questions.
  8. Complete the interviews with key decision makers. GO/NO GO
  9. Validate any cost-benefit data that used industry standards.

Complete the Logistics Steps

  1. Advise and get agreement on “Next Steps” to advance the sale.
  2. Outline feedback loops, milestones, measurements, and follow up process.
  3. Develop product/service delivery phase-in plans.
  4. Determine product/service availability. GO/NO GO
  5. Complete required pre-purchase approvals. GO/NO GO
  6. Exchange any additional data, specifications, or financial information.
  7. Identify and prepare Recommenders to be your champions.

Propose, Present, and Negotiate

  1. Prepare and submit the Customer Value Proposition (CVP).
  2. Conduct sales presentation using the CVP format.
  3. Prospect affirms your ability to meet criteria. GO/NO GO
  4. Conclude final negotiations.
  5. Final budget approval received. GO/NO GO
  6. Contract signed, or letter of engagement received.
  7. Customer notifies current supplier(s).

Deliver Your Products & Services

  1. Identify and arrange to meet any critical support people.
  2. Identify specific End Users involved in the project.
  3. Conduct quality checks of the product and service delivery.

Manage Your Account

  1. Implement sales activities to competitor proof and grow the account.
  2. Know the signs your account is in trouble before it’s too late.

Now you know what you must do to win sales! What a great gift.

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Select this link to purchase on Barnes & Noble.


VSS bk coverValue Selling Strategies P.R.O.S.P.E.C.T. Model

Amazon Top 100 Best Seller

Selling VALUE gets easier with the right tools and an incredibly flexible structure to guide the process. The VSS P.R.O.S.P.E.C.T. Model™ provides the comprehensive formula based knowledge, skills and strategies to accomplish this goal. In the Value Selling Strategies process, the actual selling is done during a strategically designed interview structured around major closing strategies. It is designed to PREVENT most common sales stopping objectives.

Learning Objectives:

  • Use a sales interaction model guided by the psychological buying process
  • Qualify and disqualify prospects based on the profile of your most profitable customers
  • Identify the real buying influences and decision makers
  • Guide the prospect to discover the value of your products and services
  • Avoid common pitfalls of presenting solutions after discovering needs
  • Move the pressure of time and priority from you to the prospect
  • Prevent most common objections, especially price
  • Help the prospect set the product / service selection criteria (specifications)
  • Identify your unique and distinctive selling points in each sales situation
  • Work with a list of 80 areas where commodity sellers differentiate themselves
  • Be forewarned about which objections you must neutralize
  • Include your unique and distinctive selling points in the selection buying criteria
  • Help the prospect rule-out and lock-out the competition for you
  • Discover priority buying motives
  • Let the prospect make the “claims” for the benefits rather than you
  • Rehearse the prospect to sell internally for you when you’re not around
  • Create change resistant attitudes favorable to your unique and distinctive selling points
  • Structure your sales interaction around major closing strategies
  • Block the competition between calls with these three techniques
  • Set the agenda action items and set up your next meeting to advance the sale
  • Use the interim action plan closing strategy to help the prospect carry out steps in the sales process between contacts
  • Use the meeting agenda setting process to pre-close on key steps in the sales process
  • Use the Criteria Driven Presentation to establish trust and rapport with those you didn't meet during the sales interviewing process
  • Present your product/service to the prospect’s selected criteria
  • Structure you presentation around major closing strategies
  • Use a personality based closing strategy that works consistently with both ends of the decision making continuum

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LegendayCustmoerService bk coverLeave a Legacy of Legendary Customer Service
An Attitude and Skills-Based Approach.

Why would you want to do what the title of this book says to do?

Regardless of your role within an organization, you provide customer service to someone, whether it be for internal or external customers.

What would you like people to say about your human interaction skills if you were to ask them for a reference, perhaps for an annual review, a professional organization membership, or a promotion? It’s your legacy. What did you create?

What makes people want to talk about your customer service as legendary?

Simple. Because you create and use values-based attitudes to guide your skill-based interactions. Sure, your technical skills are strong, but everyone knows human interaction skills are the deciding factor. Those attitudes and skills make customers and colleagues feel valued at the highest and deepest personal level. That’s the difference between being good at your job and being legendary.

The knowledge, skills, and strategies presented in this book are based on human interaction psychology, making them applicable in many areas of life. Here, these life skills are applied to the customer service setting. Once learned, coached, and practiced, they will become second nature.

This book is a compilation of eleven customer service ebooks that teach how to build the necessary attitudes and skills to create legendary customer service. Seven of these books are standalone bestsellers.

The list of ebooks that can be purchased separately. See descriptions below.

  1. Create Attitudes Instantly
  2. Telephone Etiquette for Business
  3. Email Etiquette for Business
  4. Trust & Rapport Building
  5. Active Listening Skills for Business
  6. Problem Solving Model for Business
  7. Defusing Customer Anger
  8. Managing Customer Expectations
  9. Creating Customer Loyalty
  10. Stress Control at Work
  11. Goal Setting for Success

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© Copyright 2023 Robert P DeGroot