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Blog Post - November 03, 2020 |
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General Strategy to Prevent "Need Exists" Related Objections |
Your competitors’ strengths trigger objections. Industry concerns, company reputation, and other issues specific to what you sell can trigger objections. Unanswerable objections are those with no direct answer. The prospect objects because they want something you can’t offer but your competitor can. Conditions look like objections, but they are not. Conditions are the minimum specifications or requirements that must be met for the customer to benefit from the purchase and at the same time not be harmed by the purchase. There are three basic ways to handle objections:
Let’s start by taking a look at the general strategy to Prevent Objections in this missing Buyer Belief category of Need Exists. A buyer in business must believe that a “Need Exists" before they will spend company money on filling it. If they don't believe that, some of the Common Objections you could get in this Category include:
A need is a gap between where the prospective customer is now and where they want to be, or it’s the gap between a problem and a solution. Therefore, the overall strategy for this category of objections is to establish the need by creating or identifying the gap. You create the gap by calling the prospective customer’s attention to their current situation (problem), and then painting them a picture of where they could be (solution) by having your product or service. The needs (gaps) you want to establish are for the unique capabilities you, your product, service, and company can bring to the customer that your competitor cannot. These are your Unique Selling Points (USPs). Your USPs provide solutions to the prospect's problems. If you’re just joining us in this discussion, look to the earlier blogs to see how to find your USPs and how to convert them to FABs. Select the Blog List link on the home page of this blog. The size of the gap is determined when you establish the Buyer Beliefs “Need has Priority” and the “Return on Investment.” We’ll address how to establish the size of the need then. By focusing the topics of conversation around your USPs, you will always find needs. Be sure to include them in your opening remarks. As we move through the Buyer Beliefs, we’ll circle back around and discuss specific strategies and tactics to Prevent, Preempt, and Respond to each of the objections listed in each of the Buyer Belief categories. Resources Select this link to preview and buy the eLearning course: Objection Free Selling Select this link to connect and follow Dr. Robert "Bob" DeGroot, MEd, DCH on LinkedIn. |
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