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Blog Post - October 14, 2020 |
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Effective Voicemail Messaging |
The structure: Hello, this is __________ with ________. My number is 281.367.5599 The reason I’m calling is that I would like to get you some written information on how our company is solving some of the costly and critical issues related to _____________. I understand that you are in the decision-making process in this area. The best time to call me is ______________. If this doesn’t work, I will call you back on (day/date) at (time). My number is 281.367.5599. Again, that is 2-8-1, 3-6-7, fifty-five, ninety-nine. I look forward to talking with you until then have a nice day. Example: Hello, I’m Bob DeGroot with Sales Training International. My phone number is 281-367-5599. We help salespeople prevent, preempt, and respond to every sale stopping objection they get. The reason I’m calling is to quickly demonstrate how this works. You name the objection, and I’ll demonstrate, then email the results to you – no charge. I love doing this. You can teach your salespeople and measure the immediate results. And, for as little as ten dollars, you can buy the “Objection Free Selling” ebook and get all the information you need to handle the rest of the sales stopping objections. The best time to call me is between 9 and 3 pm eastern time. If you need to, please leave a message, and I’ll be right back with you. If this doesn’t work, I will call you back on Tuesday between 3:30 and 5 pm My name is Bob DeGroot. My phone number is 281.367.5599. Again, that is 2-8-1, 3-6-7, fifty-five, ninety-nine. I look forward to talking with you until then have a nice day. Resources Select this link to the eLearning course: Telephone Cold Call with Voicemail Strategies Select this link to connect and follow Dr. Robert "Bob" DeGroot, MEd, DCH on LinkedIn. |
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