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Blog Post - August 12, 2020 |
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Sales Objections Diagnostics: Why You Get the Objections You Get |
Make a shortlist of the top three to five. Ready? Now answer the simple question, "What must you believe about something you want to buy before you buy it? For example, when buying something for a business, do you have to believe that you need it? That it will solve a problem? That the price you're paying is less than the actual cost of the problems, it's solving? What if you didn't believe that you needed it, what objection would you give? What if you thought the price was higher than it should be, what objection would you give? Next, what if you believed you did need it, what happened to the objection? What if you did believe that the price was what you felt it was worth, what happened to the price objection? Now you know that when a specific belief, you as a buyer should have was missing, it caused the related objections. But, when you then thought you did have the belief, the objection went away. What conclusions are you making right now? Yes, there are certain things the prospective customer must believe, to some extent, about what you sell before they will buy it. These are referred to as "Buyer Beliefs." If they don't hold those beliefs, they will have objections – spoken or insidiously, not. The research for understanding how these Buyer Beliefs affect sales started with the psychological -process motivation models. In my 1988 book, Psychology for Successful Selling, I used a system that had seven Buyer Beliefs and worked well for sales and for being motivated to take action in other parts of a person's life. Continued research uncovered three more beliefs that could explain objections we were seeing, but that didn't seem to belong to any of the currently identified Buyer Beliefs. Next, we consolidated these beliefs into a total of ten. Now we could account for every sales objection we collected over the years. The 85 Most Common Sales Stopping Objections list was categorized by the Buyer Belief that, when missing or weak, caused the related objections to occur. You can find this list on You can download the list that also includes the definitions and examples for each of the Buyer Beliefs by going to the free sales resources page on Interestingly, most salespeople only get objections in three, maybe four categories. That means that after you learn how to prevent, preempt, and respond to a few objections in each category, you will now be able to handle all the objections in that category. So, instead of having to learn how to handle dozens of different objections, with the process taught in the Objection Free Selling book, you only need to learn how to handle three or four. And, most of that means you don't need to learn a whole new sales model, just plug the holes in your current one. Select this link to take the quick sales objections diagnostic test (also linked on this blog) to discover your top objection categories. Select this link to preview and buy the eBook: Objection Free Selling Select this link to the eLearning course: Objection Free Selling Select this link to connect and follow Dr. Robert "Bob" DeGroot, MEd, DCH on LinkedIn |
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