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ILT & WBT Design and Development

Modular Design Structure

All training materials are designed in a modular format. This enables us to develop a targeted curriculum for our customers. Other features include:

  • Needs analysis and standardized diagnostic processes are used to identify priority areas to strengthen that will get the biggest return in the shortest time for the least investment
  • Each module is developed as a stand-alone design
  • Modules combined and modified to address specific group needs
  • Individual splinter skills are combined to form skill sets which are then structured into modules that can be separated and combined as needed

Modular course designs allow you to prioritize and teach just the skills identified as deficit. You don't need to spend valuable time teaching what they already know or what they don't need to know.


Instructional Strategies Design and Development

All STI programs and modules are the product of the Instructional Strategies Design and Development (ISD) Model.

  • Assessment - clearly defined needs analysis using standardized diagnostics
  • Design - define the business, performance, and learning objectives using Accelerated Learning and Modular design processes (course architecture)
  • Development - write the course content and structure the learning activities, select the learning music for integrating whole brain learning (course build out)
  • Implementation - beta test, pilot, and roll-out
  • Evaluation - determine the extent to which the objectives are achieved at four levels (Kirkpatrick):

    Level 1. Participant reaction and productivity projection
    Level 2. Ability to demonstrate knowledge and skills in class
    Level 3. Transfer of knowledge and skill back on the job
    Level 4. Business objectives achieved, R.O.I. determined


Accelerative Learning (AL) Design and Development

STI courses are available in the Accelerated Learning format. Our classroom research shows two to three times faster learning speed using the AL process than the standard non-AL design and a 47% decrease in errors during practice sessions using the AL model.

Dr. Robert P DeGroot, M.Ed., DCH (Master of Education, Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy) first learned about Accelerated Learning in a book called Super-Learning (1982) by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder. The book documented not only how to dramatically increase the speed of learning but also how the incredible retention is achieved.

The techniques presented are based on the research conducted by Dr. Georgi Lozanov at the Suggestology Research Institute in Bulgaria. Suggestology (hypnosis suggestion) incorporates many methodologies including the learning environment, relaxation or hyper-alertness, distraction to access the subconscious mind, music for cross-brain learning transfer, and many other techniques.

Dr. DeGroot worked with Accelerated Learning experts from the University of Houston to redesign STI's premier value selling course into a fully functioning AL course for Shell Chemical Company. He then adapted the original AL work to incorporate Guilford's Structure of Intellect, and Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and hypnosis techniques to make it easier to train, increase flexibility, and equally effective for both ILT and WBT.

Our accelerated learning design for both ILT and WBT includes:

  • Overview - Transition to the topic - brain orientation
  • Introduction - Learner objectives - brain alert
  • Active presentation - Content delivery through various methods, including audio, video, bulleted presentation, and so on
  • Primary activation - Work through a non-emotive example with the participants and then work through a personalized emotive example
  • Secondary activation - Participant develops personalized case study for independent/group practice
  • Passive presentation - Baroque music option - Review of the content for cross-brain learning
  • Active concert - Voice surfing option - Often done during Active Presentation using music for whole brain and emotive learning

Dr. DeGroot will personally provide the guidance and expertise to create truly memorable courses, whether working with your in-house design and development team or contract professionals.


Blooms Taxonomy

All STI courses, ILT and WBT have learning activities that utilize Blooms hierarchy of cognitive skills the selection of which is mostly contingent upon how the knowledge, skills, and strategies are to be used in the field:

  1. Remembering - Recall
  2. Understanding - Explain
  3. Applying - Use
  4. Analyzing - Examine
  5. Evaluating - Test
  6. Creating - Build

Using multiple levels of the taxonomy (the first three at a minimum) is the usual way to build learning activities.



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